Monday, May 13, 2013

May Meeting of CMQG

      The May meeting of our guild was held today with great attendance.  I do believe that many of our "snowbirds" are back from the warm, sunny south and therefore have rejoined us!

   Gail Mitchell held the meeting, with many topics discussed, including our school quilt, the trip 16 guild members made to our sister guild in Miramichi, new sewing machine to be demonstrated, a congratulatory recognition to our fellow Fredericton Guild (ECQG) and their large donation of 74 quilts to the teenage patients of the IWK, and more that Joanne will have in the minutes.

    The Winter Wonderland Row of the Month challenge followed the meeting proper.  All of the finished tops were shown and each person's name was put in a "hat" for a prize.  The lucky winner was Linda Wolsteinholme.  It really is fun to see all of these works and how different each and every one turned out.  There was a fair amount of variation in the individual wall hangings/quilts.

Kathy Feltmate

Jennifer speedy with the original quilt

Jennifer Speedy

Bertha Mazerolle

Betty Colligan

Leona Cameron

Joanne Blair
Anne O'Brien

Linda Wolsteinholme

Gail Mitchell

We then were treated to the May Show and Tell and below are the photos taken from S and T this morning:

Cecile Meade

Pat Ryer's beautiful 50th anniversary Single Irish Chain

This is Pat's quilting closeup-what happened to the colour?
Quilted by Nancy Colpitts

Linda W's lovely purple butterfly table topper

Linda W baby quilt from re fabrics

Evelyn MacNaughton's workshop placemats, and her gorgeous treeskirt/tablecloth

Barb Elliot holds her fat quarter "quilt" with her sister 's fabric on the border.

Barb E's threadpainted doggie bag.

Barb's doggie bag

Carol Mercer shows a jewellery holder...or an "anything" holder

Marianne Manzer and her scrappy table topper.

Marianne showing her Applecore quilt

Marianne's whole quilt

Orthella Milton's Swedish weaving 

Orthella's pin cushion

Orthella showing her sweet kiddie apron from a teatowel.

Orthella's dressed up teeshirt.

Airfreshener for Orthella's closet.

June Goodine's stunning Classic Beauty quilt

Jennifer Speedy's cute wallhanging to live by!

Jennifer's lovely scalloped edge embroidery baby quilt

A closeup of the thumbsucking baby

Estella Macdonald and her "Making New Friends" wallhanging

Estella's sewingroom wallhanging.

Kathy Bavis' and her sister guild mystery project.

Katherine's gorgeous bargello quilt

Joan Baldwin's bear quilt with fabric from Don and Ann Coles

This is the bag that will have the quilt in it for delivery to Victoria Quilts

Joan's quilt from a FIND in her fabric cupboard.

Connie Fullarton's quilted tote.

Connie's bible for travelling to Quilt shows and stores.

Connie is very happy with her new Twister ruler/square and the following are some of her results!

Connie's leftover half square triangle pieces are efficiently made in to this cute miniature.

After S&T, Joan Baldwin's Workshop on flip and sew runners, with applique began.  Joan had 25 members signed to take the workshop, but fewer than that actually 'partook'.  Organized, as always, Joan went through the steps and had bristle board instructions to help the participants.

 The hand quilters are working diligently on yet another colourful quilt.  Smile for the picture gals!

   We also had a special guest today, while her Mommy had an appointment and 16 day old  Leah stayed with her Grammy Joan for  a short time, with many willing and helpful hands.  Unfortunately Leah slept her time away until "auntie" Evelyn decided the temptation was too great and nudged Leah awake!

     Another great meeting, thanks everyone.
     See you next month for our auction and luncheon for the last meeting until after the summer.
         Kathy Feltmate



  1. Wonderful recap Kathy!! After looking at all the WW quilt pictures, I think everyone is right. Mine needs borders. Love the baby pictures. Don't you just love a baby!!! Great show and tell and I love that Othella brought back craft ideas from Florida.

  2. What a wonderful baby quilt that Jennifer made. What is the pattern name? Where can it be purchased? Thanks. Reply to


Cotton Mill Quilt Guild September 2024

Our Show & Tell  September 16th, 2024 Victoria Quilt Charity Draw.  Quilt A : Log Cabin Quilt  B  New Brunswick. Quilt C: Winter Mauree...