Thursday, June 11, 2015

June's CMQG's Gathering!!

     What a wonderful day CMQG members had!  Meeting, chaired by Gail Mitchell who found it amusing and hammed it up when I tried to sneak up close for a photo op! :

  Because it is Gail's last day as Chairperson, Joan Baldwin the incoming Chair presented Gail with a hanging plant from all of us at CMQG in recognition of her great job as Chair.  THANK YOU!!

And then there was Show and Tell:

Othella M displays her son's T-Shirt quilt.

Joan made a sweet apron for her granddaughter.
 As you may know, our Guild did a BOM through our Workshop Committee at our monthly meetings, featuring 1-2 blocks each month.  Here are a couple of finished tops.

Theresa G shows her BOM!

A closeup of one block...

Frances M, holding her larger (note, 20 blocks) BOM!  

Marie L. shows her BOM.   GOOD work!
Not happy with just one BOM, Marie sis showing her 2nd!

Carol Wilson showing her uniquely "housedress fabric" Star Quilt.

These fabrics were from Carol's Mom and Aunt's dresses.

Karen Drew and her first appliqué

Karen's guitar top.

Pat Ryer with her Down Memory Lane" quilt

Close-up to give you a better look...
Joyce N holding her LADY, an exceptional appliqué designed ,sewn and quilted by Joyce.

Beautiful face!

Close-up to allow you to see the artistry here.

Double hand stitched crosshatch.

Linda B shows off her sweet baby quilt later in the morning.

Cute duckling!

   The Silent Auction went well, with lots of choice around the room.  Anything but silent, I'd say:-)  None of my pictures turned out well, so I decided not to post them.

   BUT, here is an idea of our lunch, yes Pot Luck, and it was delicious!!  Thanks to our team.

Pink and green decorations.

Lucy,  working in the kitchen mixing and organizing.

Part of the L-shaped tables for luncheon choices

Our fearless organizer, Nancy getting set-up.

Satiated quilters...yummy food and friends.

See you-all in September.  Thanks everyone for making it a very successful year!

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Cotton Mill Quilt Guild September 2024

Our Show & Tell  September 16th, 2024 Victoria Quilt Charity Draw.  Quilt A : Log Cabin Quilt  B  New Brunswick. Quilt C: Winter Mauree...