Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May's Meeting and Show and Tell (CMQG)

HI :-)

       Well, everyone...the CMQG meeting was held on May 11th, a little earlier than our regular meetings, but 50+ members were in attendance, so the message got through!  It was a lively meeting that started out with a comedy routine by Gail Mitchell that had the ladies laughing heartily.  Great release for everyone!  (Thanks Gail!!)

      The minutes will be read by Joann at the next meeting so those who were not there will hear about the goings on.

      Many of our Snowbirds have returned and were at the meeting, some with winter projects adding to our show and tell.

       Speaking of Show and Tell, enjoy the following:

Bertha M and her Christmas Tablecloth... "early or late?" she asks!

Joan B's option for BOM placement

BOM Placement by Jennifer S

 Othella M. shows her many winter projects...

Beautiful wallet

Cute kitchen towel "dress"

Scissor hanging container

Opening her heart container

Now the heart is closed...

Othella's handmade cards were displayed so that we could admire them.

Jennifer S and her great grandchild's baby quilt

Someday Jennifer will have a great grandchild...years off but preparing!

Closeup of Charlotte J's flower garden

Charlotte's Grandmother's flower garden quilt

Charlotte J talking about her Grandmother's flower garden

Great circles for the "flowers"

Sweet flower
Marie quilted Charlotte's quilt
 After the meeting, everyone who was staying to sew, got busily to work. 

 and visited and chatted while getting organized...

 We have a lovely bright area to set up our machine's and stable tables to sew on.

Joanne G working on her CMQG BOM quilt

 A few more sweet projects that were not shown in show and tell:

 Ulrica's purses...
This one has a belt for a strap and handle!

Great pockets.

All 3 together

And Ulrica, the designer and maker.  Great job!

    I hope that you enjoyed our Show and Tell.  Lots of talent wouldn't you say?
Next time, we are having our closing Pot Luck and Sale. That is the second Monday of June.  Yipee!!

Kathy F.

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your guild's show and tell. You have wonderfully talented quilters! Thank you for sharing.


Cotton Mill Quilt Guild September 2024

Our Show & Tell  September 16th, 2024 Victoria Quilt Charity Draw.  Quilt A : Log Cabin Quilt  B  New Brunswick. Quilt C: Winter Mauree...