Friday, April 3, 2020

Reminder about Charity Items, instructions and sizes

In this time of extra time at home I thought that I would repost this note from March 22/19.


 BABY (tiny and bigger) BLANKETS  and

BLANKETS FOR TINY BABIES at the Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital

1. Use 3 layers of cotton Flannelette, cotton thread with minimal sewing and quilting. Nothing polyester is to be used.
Cut fabric 24 inches long X WOF(width of fabric). Leave the outside prettiest fabric as 1 large piece(24 in. X WOF). Fold right sides together. Cut inside layer of flannelette 24 in. long X 22 inches wide(half the width of fabric) . Place it on the wrong side of other fabric.

One side is a fold and does not need to be sewn. Sew the other 3 sides with ¼ inch seam, leaving an opening. Trim corners, press seams with iron, turn. Stitch opening (by machine or hand)
Topstitch 3/8 inch all around the edges.  Quilt about 6 inches from all edges in a rectangular shape. Mark corners of quilting lines and estimate the lines to sew. 
2. If you are working with 3 separate layers of fabric, cut each 24 inches X 22 Inches. Fold the pretty ones right sides together and lay the third layer on the wrong side. Then sew 4 sides together leaving opening to turn. Trim corners; Press; Turn inside out; Close opening and topstitch.  Quilt 6 inches from edges.


These blankets can be made: 1.use fleece for a backing(and does not need batting) and flannelete for top layer.; 2. use 3 layers of flannelette; 3. two layers of flannelette and 1 layer of batting.    You can use a solid piece of fabric or pieces to form a design of blocks or strips. You can quilt more lines. You can use batting- polyester and/or cotton. 

Cut pieces 24 in. X 22 inches.   Sew, leaving opening.  Trim corners, turn. Press. Close opening and topstitch.  Quilt.


Get a pattern from Community Projects Co-ordinator.  You need 32 inches X WOF(width of fabric) of cotton  fabric to make 1 full length bib.  It is nice to use 2 different fabrics to make it reversible.  IF you have 15 inches of fabric you can attach a hand towel to make a terry bib.    Buy hand towels at places like Value Village.   
To cut 2 bibs at the same time:  Fold 40 inch fabric with selvages together. Press the fold. Place it on the selvages. Place pattern on the folds. Cut.

With right sides together, sew  ¼ Inch seam around bib, leaving opening to turn. Clip seam allowances on all the curves, Turn; Press; Stitch opening closed(by machine or handstitching) Topstitch 3/8 inch from edges. 

For bibs with towels, use top part of pattern to cut 2 layers of fabric. Follow above instructions, leaving lower edge open. Sew towel to this open edge, to one layer of fabric, right sides together. Fold 2nd layer of fabric over this seam line and topstitch the whole bib.    


Start with a baby blanket- 24 in X 22 inches, using polar fleece or flannelette on bottom so it will stick to the clothing and not slide off  the lap.   The top layer can be 1 fabric or several (like patch work design).  Attach objects that won’t hurt anyone that can be washed in a washing machine. Use zig-zag stitch to sew cording etc.  to blanket. Attach textured objects; fasteners like small zippers, buttons, snaps. Attach long shoelaces at 2 back corners so this blanket can be tied to wheelchair etc. and not fall on floor. 

These are also called fidget blankets and can be aprons with things attached.  We donate these to Alzheimers Unit, although people of all ages and problems can use them.

Barb Elliott 
Community Projects Co-ordinator,  2018-19

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