Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February 2019 CMQG

The February meeting was held Monday Feb 18th at 9am, with Jennifer S., our Coordinator, chairing.  There were ~55 members in attendance.
The business part of the meeting was quick with discussion from the Charity chair, Block Lotto and Workshop groups. Then we went onward to Show and Tell.

Block Lotto

The Block Lotto instructions will be forwarded to Evelyn Mac by the committee and Evelyn will send them to each member via email. 

Workshop Group

Marj and Jennifer are demonstrating/did demonstrate 1) squaring up a block and 2) finishing off a quilt binding in today's "workshop".  Topics of interest to all!

Show and Tell

Gloria's stunning Star Quilt

Gloria shows off her baby quilts!

Barb E discusses how she put together and quilted this quilt for a special friend.

Barb explaining how she coordinated the front and back of the quilt.

Pauline L's scrappy Garden Delinght

Pauline's lovely border for Garden Delight

Pauline also made these 2 heart runners for Feb ❤️

AND...Pauline shows her 3 snowman runners and her Prunkard's Path table topper

Beautiful scrappy heart quilt for a friend,

And lovely muted colour rag quilt!

Alta F finished her stunning Stack and Whack


Here is Alta's whole quilt!
Brenda C made a 5 heart Valentine's Day runner.  She also showed us her Quilty Box gifts for January and February .

Cecile made this Girls in Attic Window quilt
Cecile's girls with fabulous quilting by Janet Spurrell

Bertha M shows her Drunkard Path table topper

Dianne K made 3 different microwave bowls

Pretty bowl close-up of Dianne's bowls

Joyce went on a 5 day retreat with ECQG

Quilt 2, Scrappy quilt for Victoria Quilt by Joyce

Quilt 3, Batik Chain Link pattern by Joyce

Quilt 4, Plaid Chain Link patterned quilt by Joyce

Joyce shows a "find" at a thrift store- very unique!

That is all for this month's meeting information.  See you in March!
Kathy F.

1 comment:

  1. Another month with beautiful works of art. I love to see your show-and-tell pictures!!!


December 2024 Cotton Mill Quilt Guild

  Show & Tell Pauline, Carolyn & Kimberly showed their complete boxy bags. Judy showed her antique Quilt that is over 100 years ...