Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 2018 Show and Tell

 Today, our meeting was held by Jennifer S,  as our Coordinator is basking in the sunlight of the South.  Great job Jennifer.

 The workshop today was lead by Cecile G with more than 20 participants.   Cecile's Stack 'n Whack was enjoyed by all and stay tuned for the results in months to come!grouping.   There was an explanation by Margie C regarding next month's workshop.

 We had a good size Show and Tell by members with lots of enthusiasm.

 There is a Workday for members on the 7th of May, offered by our Workday Committee.

Next month's workshop

Margie C will be teaching the Bargello runner next Guild meeting which is May 14th!  All that you need for this runner is 2 strips that are 2 1/2 inches of 10 different fabrics.  Have a look at the gradation in Margie's. She used greens and blues but of course, you can use any combination of colours. A flannel backed tablecloth(e.g. a tablecloth from the Dollar Store) all be very helpful for layout planning and keeping you organized.


Thanks again to Secretary Dianne K for recording the names of the" Show and Tellers" for me!

Here is Brenda N's beautiful pineapple quilt.

Brenda explains her colours.

Brenda's 8 year old granddaughter made this quilt ALL BY HERSELF including the binding...maybe with some guidance from grandmother Brenda.  Congratulations!

Beautifully colourful baby quilt for Brenda's great grandchild!

Myrna T made this quilt from drapery fabric samples.  Quilted by Janet Spurell.

Myrna explains her many additions to Show and Tell this month.

Myrna's Maple Leaf  #1

Maple Leaf #2

Maple Leaf #3

Myrna's Flower Table Runner

This is JoAnn G's lovely bed scarf 

JoAnn talks about her Chinese Lantern bed scarf

Liz R's amazing  winter quilt with both embroidery and quilt squares!

Liz tells us about the fun she had hand embroidering the blocks that are circling the centre of her above quilt!

Myrna T's Stack n Whack from about 10 years ago. Good demo for today's workshop.

This is Cecile G's colourful Scrap Quilt using the pattern for  ECQG's NB EX 2018 quilt.

Cecile explained that her side borders are "mistakes" that she made in the body of the quilt! Very effective borders!!

Estella has made this tribute quilt to be sent to Humbolt Saskatchewan in memory of the tragic loss of hockey players. See  https://saskatoonmqg.com/quilts-for-broncos/   if you would like to contribute. 

Lovely Chinese Lantern by Mary Ward

Lisette is going to quilt her Chinese Lantern today on her domestic machine...stay tuned!

Connie F has been VERY BUSY!!
Pinterest pattern for 2.5 inch strips...Connie made 6 for comfort quilts. (Thanks Connie)
Connie F has been VERY BUSY!!

another variation...

another variation of a Pinterest 2.5 inch strip pattern by Connie

Connie's houses

Connie's bunnies!

Connie handing her placemats to Joyce and Maureen to show...

Connie's placemats

Connie's potholders...

and more potholders, plus several more potholders not shown!

Connie did this Half Square BOW, so 52+ in Connie's case. She  followed A Needle Pulling Thread's site from Digby Nova Scotia

Marg G has 2 granddaughters going to University with new quilts!

Marg G's second amazing quilt!

Paula M's Shamrock runner for Saint Patrick's Day!!

Joyce's colour wash "Two tailed Snake".  Doesn't she have an amazing eye?

 Workshop Pictures of Stack 'n Whack

Cecile displaying her Stack n Whack variety...


That's all for this month everyone.  Feel free to leave comments. It is easy to do!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Great show and tell. My my that Connie is so amazing. Loved ceciles scrap quilt.


December 2024 Cotton Mill Quilt Guild

  Show & Tell Pauline, Carolyn & Kimberly showed their complete boxy bags. Judy showed her antique Quilt that is over 100 years ...